Softbook Dark Blue Pumpkin Fall Update

Fall is not only a time of bright colors and comfortable evenings, but also the perfect time to introduce you to our newest and most ambitious update. We realize that it’s been a long time since our last major release in the spring, and you might think we’ve slowed down. In fact, we’ve not only been working on minor fixes and optimizations during this period, but we’ve also been working intensively on new core features.

This update is another major step for our ecosystem. It will lay the foundation for future innovations, making our next releases even bigger and more frequent. And to give you an idea of how serious we are, we’re planning 2-3 more major updates this year.

Let’s get to the most important part – what new and amazing things are waiting for you in the updated Softbook LMS.


About the novelties:

Internal course sales

We have implemented functionality to sell courses directly within the platform, making the purchase process even more convenient for already registered students.


Flexibility in free courses

You now have the ability to make any course free. In addition, you can set criteria for access to the free course – whether it’s certain groups of students or students in specific courses – for more precise customization.

Promo codes and discounts

You didn’t get the impression, we actually added them. We have added an option to customize promo codes and discounts for courses and products. It is also possible to set their validity period.

Notes on students

You now have the ability to add notes directly to a student’s card, allowing you to store additional information about them for better collaboration.

Expanding the selection of certificate templates

We’ve added 8 new certificate templates, expanding your choices and providing more options for customization.

Customized Certificate Designer

This designer is definitely the leader in the industry. Before our competitors copy it, you can download your own certificate template and add all the necessary information to it: student name, course name, QR code, serial number and so on.

Certificate validity checking service

We have launched a specialized service for certificate authentication. The QR code on the individual certificate now leads directly to this service, where you can find out all the details about the course, school and student success.

Monitoring of certificate recipients

A feature is now available in the certificate list that displays the names of students who have received this certificate.

Additional confidentiality of courses

We have added an option that allows you to customize access to a course for its instructors only. This improves the level of privacy and allows you to hide the course from everyone except its enrolled instructors.

Reduced commissions through Fondy

Now, thanks to partner integration with Fondy, the commission is reduced from 2.4% to 2%. Alas, due to the peculiarities of the payment system it is necessary to connect a new Merchant. But creating a new Merchant for this process is quick and easy via Softbook Store.

Improved search and filtering

We’ve implemented search into the most commonly used filters on various pages, such as Students and Homework, for easier navigation.

Automatic enrollment after registration

You can now set up automatic enrollment of new students into specific groups or courses as soon as they register on the platform.


Changes and corrections:

Updated basic settings interface

We’ve updated the Basic Settings section of the Settings menu, grouping options for easier navigation.

Optimizing the location of the save buttons

Buttons to save settings are now located at the top of the interface in sections such as “Product Settings” and “Edit Course” to increase usability.

New status switch

Statuses for items such as products, discounts, and schedules can now be easily toggled with a single “On/Off” button.

Reorganizing the course editing page

We’ve completely revamped the interface of the course creation/editing page, grouping new options for ease of use.

Visual enhancements to course information

Added course structure to the pop-up window that appears when you click on the course information button.

Change in course access settings

We have eliminated the ability to set a zero access time limit to avoid not having access immediately after students enroll. 

Corrections in the student’s card

Fixed errors in the display of passed tests and homework, and moved the display of access to lessons to the right side of the interface.

Refinement of schedule settings

Now it is obligatory to specify start and end dates of access to lessons in order to prevent possible errors in timetable work and correctness of access to lessons.

Updated order view

The orders page now shows more clearly which courses are included in each product and displays purchases made by students directly within the school.

Adjusting filters

Fixed filters in the order, product, course, and homework sections among teachers, ensuring they work correctly.

Stop duplicating

We have taken into account all possible situations when students managed to send the same lesson comment several times. But students at some schools are very talented and if duplicates are seen again – please notify our care team.

Whew… That was powerful! But we’re not stopping, stay tuned, more to come.

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