Checklist “Your own online school: 6 steps to success”

In today’s rapidly evolving world, online education is becoming not only a convenient but also a profitable business. According to the latest data and analyzes, there is an impressive growth in demand for online courses and learning platforms. According to research conducted by education analytical agencies, online education will see exponential growth from 2020 to 2022. The value of the global online learning market increased by 40% during this period, to an impressive $325 billion. This trend indicates that more and more people prefer to learn new material online.

The optimal combination of technical knowledge, creativity, and discipline will help you bring your idea to life in just two weeks. In this article, we’ll explain step by step what is important to consider at the start of your exciting project.

Step 1: What’s the focus and what’s the highlight?

First of all, determine the topic or specialization of your school. Are these online courses in programming, music, drawing, or cooking? Clearly define what you want to teach and how you differ from your competitors.


Step 2: Who are you doing it for?

Target audience (TA) is a group of people who are interested in your product. Why define your target audience? This way you will gain time, which will allow you to find the right communication with customers faster and build trusting relationships.

For this purpose, 5 questioning whales will come in handy:
  1. What is the customer’s gender, age, profession, hobbies, income level, and marital status?
  2. What are the customer’s life values, what are his or her hobbies?
  3. What questions, problems, and tasks can the customer solve with your product? What is their need?
  4. How does the buying process work? What is the customer’s pre-purchase behavior? To do this, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the customer’s choice and the factors that influence the purchase.
  5. Thus, you will be able to create your customer portrait (avatar), i.e. the image of a typical representative of the target audience segment.

Example: Marina, 36 years old. She has a husband, Maxim, and gave birth to a son two years ago. Her income is 31,000 UAH per month. She works as a designer remotely. They live in a small rented apartment in Brovary. Motivation for buying an apartment: she wants to gain independence and her own space, so that the child can have his own room and she can have a work area. She is rational in her choice, as she is unable to make spontaneous purchases. She compares prices carefully. She likes discounts. Never buys right away.

Step 3: Attractive content that wins hearts and leads to sales.

One of the most important things is to make your content valuable and useful to people, understand their needs, and be unique in your approach. Put all your heart and energy into creating content, and you’ll see your audience strive for more interaction with you. What can it be? Video tutorials, textual materials, practice tasks, etc.


Step 4: Where do we post?

The fourth step involves choosing a platform to host your content that you created in the previous step. Softbook is a great platform for creating your online course. The intuitive course builder will help make the process of creating materials more convenient and faster, and the communication tools will support an active exchange of ideas and questions between the instructor and students.

Step 5: We need a focus group

Now we are moving on to qualitative research, the main purpose of which is to get feedback from consumers about our product in a joint discussion. The comprehensive analytics from Softbook will, in turn, allow us to collect valuable information about feedback, student progress, and course results, which will help us improve the learning process.


Step 6: Marketing comes into play. What do you do to get your name out there?

Start a marketing campaign to promote your school. Softbook has its own marketing tools that increase sales and raise awareness. Also, be sure to use social media, blogs, emails, and other channels to draw attention to your course.


Launching your own online school in two weeks is a real challenge that requires dedication, organization, and creativity. If you are an expert in your niche, you can open up new opportunities and share your knowledge. To ensure that creating an online course is not problematic but brings only pleasure, it is better to do it in a simple and powerful system. This is where the Softbook platform comes in handy, as it allows you to join the educational space easily and quickly.

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