Deciding Where to Host Your Online Course: A Detailed Overview


When you’ve put your heart and soul into creating an online course, the crucial next step is deciding where to host it. This decision can impact various factors – your course’s exposure, accessibility, ease of use, and even financial success.

Selecting a platform is not one-size-fits-all, but certain elements are universally desirable – a user-friendly interface, robust support, secure transactions, and an active learner community. However, your specific course objectives and target audience will shape the final decision. Here are some options to explore.


1. Hosting on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer avenues to showcase your course where your potential learners already spend their time. You can tap into your existing network for promotion.

LinkedIn Learning, for example, suits professionally oriented courses. But remember, these platforms usually operate on a revenue share model and offer limited customization.


Linkedin Learning


2. Hosting on Personal Websites

You could also consider self-hosting your course on your website. This option offers unparalleled control, allowing you to fully tailor the learning experience. However, this requires technical savvy and involves managing payments and site security.


Example of personal website with courses (


3. Dedicated Online Course Platforms

A popular option emerging in the e-learning landscape is platforms specifically designed for online courses, often referred to as Learning Management Systems (LMS). These platforms strike a balance between control, ease of use, and learner engagement.

Softbook shines as a top-tier dedicated course hosting platform. It provides a straightforward way to upload course content, handle learners, track progress, and even issue completion certificates.

One of the unique features of Softbook is its approach to the student experience. The platform aims to make the learning process engaging and captivating. 

Moreover, Softbook offers in-depth analytics tools that allow you to better understand your students, leading to course improvement over time.


Softbook as an example of LMS platform


Selecting Softbook as your course hosting platform brings numerous benefits:


  • Intuitive Interface: Softbook is designed to be easily navigated by course creators and learners alike, making the process smooth and efficient.
  • Engagement-Oriented: With engaging features like quizzes and forums, Softbook helps keep learners involved, leading to higher course completion rates.
  • Advanced Analytics: Softbook’s detailed analytics let you monitor learner engagement and progress, enabling you to make data-backed decisions for course enhancement.
  • Secure E-commerce Integration: Softbook manages payment transactions securely, freeing you up to focus on what you do best – creating and refining excellent courses.
  • Strong Support: Softbook has an exceptional support team ready to assist with any technical or user-related issues, ensuring a seamless experience for both creators and learners.
  • Community Building: Softbook’s platform encourages interaction among learners, fostering a community that aids in shared learning and motivates students to complete the course.
  • Flexible Pricing Options: Softbook allows course creators to offer a range of pricing options, including one-time purchases, subscriptions, or payment plans, accommodating various business models and student preferences.



Where you host your online course is a significant decision. While there are numerous hosting options, Softbook’s emphasis on an easy-to-use platform, high student engagement, robust analytics, and secure transactions make it a platform worth serious consideration. The additional benefits of strong support, community building, and flexible pricing options make Softbook an even more compelling choice.

The expertise you share has tremendous value, and your audience awaits. So, make a wise platform choice and start positively impacting lives with your knowledge. Choose Softbook, and create an online course that truly resonates with your learners.


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